Samir Ale

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Samir is an Oregon based, Nepalese singer songwriter who uses music and melody to express revelations regarding spiritual philosophy, wisdom of the soul and the subliminal messages of the subconsciousness. 

Writing songs in both English and his native language, Nepalese, Samir wishes to touch the lives of the people who find resonance with his music and words


Die and Live Again

A song about the turning point in life coming with the awareness that one will never be this young again. Using the lessons learnt from past lives, one can elevate the human presence to rise above the prison of self-doubt and start resonating to a higher vibration of the energy of courage and wisdom to be fearless. True fearlessness comes from the self-acceptance that everything has a beginning and an end, that death is just a new beginning for a new adventure. 

We die every day as we learn and evolve into a different person in the process of self-growth. 

The light in us will live forever! 

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